What is grace?
Grace means forgiveness. It means you have nothing to prove. You are held. loved. cherished.
You are forgiven of all of your imperfections, flaws, shortcomings, weaknesses, doubt. You are worthy.
You are lovely, pleasing, beautiful.
What is a grace-filled life?
To live a grace-filled life is to acknowledge your shortcomings but not let them control you or be fearful of them. To know you are worthy, loved, and cherished always. To celebrate your uniqueness. To respect and honor every part of your life.
Becoming a mother transformed me. I have experienced strength like never before, courage to do what I once thought impossible, and unwavering love. For a long time, I let anxiety and fear drive me. I let my insecurities define me and influence my decisions.
After years of feeling out of control and living a fear and anxiety driven life, I decided to reach for grace. I’m finding beauty in the chaos of raising kids in the twenty-first century. I seek joy and let laughter – true laughter -fill my body. I dance and sing again. Every morning is a new opportunity and another chance to celebrate grace and gratitude.
Understanding and trusting in grace and finding gratitude in all things has opened my mind and heart to the beauty that has always surrounded me. I’m finding myself again and I’m sharing those things that fill me with joy and remind me of grace and gratitude.