Alisha Sexton

I empower moms with confidence and holistic support to navigate birth and balance their new role with grace.

Welcome! I’m Alisha Sexton, a passionate birth doula, licensed massage therapist, and holistic wellness advocate. My mission is to empower mothers like you to embrace every step of your pregnancy and motherhood journey with confidence, strength, and grace.


I’m Alisha Sexton—a mother, doula, licensed massage therapist, and holistic healer. My passion is to support and empower mothers on their unique journeys through pregnancy, birth, and beyond. Confidence in Every Breath, Balance in Every Step — this is the essence of how I live and the heart of how I serve.


My own journey into motherhood has been one of profound growth and transformation. I’ve faced the heartache of multiple pregnancy losses, the challenges of postpartum anxiety and depression, and the overwhelming fear of caring for a sickly child. These experiences have not only deepened my empathy but have also strengthened my resolve to help other mothers navigate their own paths with confidence and grace.

As a mother, I understand the complexities and joys of this sacred role. My experiences have shaped the compassionate, intuitive care I provide, always with the goal of helping mothers feel seen, supported, and empowered.



My approach is integrative, blending modern techniques with ancient wisdom to nurture both body and soul. I draw on Ayurvedic principles, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), and Indigenous healing arts to offer holistic care that respects the body's natural rhythms and promotes overall well-being.

Trained in The Body Ready Method, I specialize in preparing the body for the demands of pregnancy, birth, and postpartum recovery. My expertise is further enhanced by advanced training in pregnancy and postpartum massage, incorporating techniques such as cupping, shiatsu, craniosacral therapy, myofascial release, trauma release, and pelvic floor health and healing.

I believe that every mother deserves to feel empowered and supported throughout her pregnancy and postpartum journey. 
I believe in the power of courage to overcome fear, and in the strength and intuition of mothers. With the right support, education, and holistic care, mothers can embrace the beauty of childbirth and motherhood with confidence and grace.
My mission is to provide holistic, compassionate care that honors God and each mother's unique journey. My commitment is to walk alongside each mother, offering the compassion and expertise needed to help them flourish in their new role.

How I Help Mothers

I am here to guide you through every stage of motherhood, offering:
  • Comprehensive Doula Support: From prenatal education to labor support and postpartum care, I provide continuous, compassionate support tailored to your specific needs.
  • Holistic Healing: My services incorporate a range of holistic practices, including massage therapy, herbalism, and body mechanics, all designed to nurture your body and mind.
  • Empowerment Through Education: I believe in the power of knowledge and encourage informed consent. Through my work, I provide evidence-based education and resources to help you and your partner make informed decisions about your care.
  • A Safe, Supportive Space: Whether through my doula services, massage therapy, or the Fearless Motherhood Community, I create a space where you can feel safe, supported, and empowered.

Trust: I build a foundation of trust with each client, respecting your instincts and honoring your unique journey.
Grace: I approach every interaction with kindness, empathy, and understanding, creating a safe space for you to explore your needs and desires.
Integrity: I am dedicated to providing honest, evidence-based information and care, empowering you to make informed decisions that align with your values.


I believe that every woman possesses an incredible inner strength and wisdom. My role is to help you tap into that strength, providing the support and resources you need to navigate your pregnancy, birth, and postpartum experience with confidence and grace. Together, we’ll cultivate a journey that is as unique and beautiful as you are.

Let's Work Together

I would love to learn more about how I can support you. Whether you’re seeking doula services, massage therapy, or holistic healing, I am here to walk this journey with you. Please explore my services or reach out directly to start a conversation. Together, we’ll embrace this beautiful journey with confidence and grace.

Supporting Your Growth in Confidence and Grace